Submissions are now open for the Network Outage Review into the response to the extreme weather event in August, which causes substantial damage to power supplies and infrastructure, particularly in the North-West and North of the state.
At its peak, 47,000 TasNetworks customers were affected, including more than 12,000 on the North-West Coast – some for days and weeks.
The review aims to identify lessons and strengthen the state’s resilience and response capabilities for future severe weather incidents.
A consultation paper has been developed to guide the review and gather input from the community, focusing on the operational responses of TasNetworks in particular, as well as the State Emergency Service, and the Tasmanian Government.
The consultation paper is available on the Renewables, Climate and Future Industries Tasmania website at
Public rsubmission and responses to the consultation paper close on January 30th.
The completed review will be made public by Minister for Energy and Renewables by mid-April.