
Singapore Option For New Ships Floated

September 23, 2024 4:55 pm in by

Whether new Spirit of Tasmania ships will kept at Singapore until fully upgraded port infrastructure at Devonport’s completed has been raised in parliamentary hearings in Hobart

Last month Searoad suggested the ships should be delayed from coming into service at temporary berthing because their extra size is a potential safety hazard.

Labor’s Dean Winter’s tried to get answers from the Premier.

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Winter: “Premier have you or any of your ministers to your knowledge had any discussions about the TT-Line potentially needing to berth its new ships in Singapore until the new infrastructure is completed?”

Rockliff: “When we work through the infrastructure in the way forward, will we then make decisions on the ships.”

The estimated completion date for the infrastructure at Devonport is 2026.

Economist Saul Eslake estimated a cost to the economy of $350 million for every year the new ships are delayed coming into service.
