
Here comes the rain again…

October 12, 2022 2:16 am in by


Get the umbrella out again!

Launceston and Tasmania’s north is bracing itself for another drenching.

The Bureau of Meteorology says there is the possibility more than 100ml of rain could lash the area before the weekend.

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A band of rain is expected to arrive from the north-west by late Wednesday in what forecasters are describing as “a significant rain event”.

The Bureau’s Luke Johnstone said Thursday is when the wet conditions will really ramp up.

“By Thursday, it will become steady…and relentless” he said.

“We’ll see rain over a 30 to 36-hour period into Friday morning.

“It’s likely we’ll see riverine flooding by the end of the week. There is the potential for moderate flooding in some areas.”

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Residents are being urged to monitor the usual weather channels including the Bureau’s website for flood watch alerts.

Mr Johnstone said our wet winter and spring period has been influenced by typical climate drivers like the negative Indian Ocean Dipole.

“There’s heaps of warm water to the north of Australia which is being dragged down as far south as Northern Tasmania,” he said.



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