Vinnie’s Community Sleepout
Family Based Care Tasmania is once again hosting a “Vinnies Community Sleepout” to raise awareness of homelessness in our community at Marist Regional College on Thursday 15th August 2024 commencing at 7pm until 7am. The sleepout is a great opportunity to engage with people in the local area whilst supporting and contributing to a worthy cause.
For our evening meal the Vinnies Van will be in attendance with soup, sandwiches, coffee and tea. For breakfast we will have bacon and egg rolls to get you started for the day.
If you wish to join us please bring along your sleeping bag or doona. We will have cardboard available for you to make a bed or a tent or just for you to be very inventive.
Should you not be able to sleepover, please consider coming along for the auction, or making a donation via the link