Penguin Relay For Life 2025
Relay For Life is about celebrating people who are surviving cancer and the incredible people who care for them.
All cancer survivors and carers – be that family, friends, supporters – are invited as our guests of honour to officially open Relay For Life for the 25th year in the opening lap. Followed by a free afternoon tea surrounded by supportive and caring members of your community.
- Be part of the opening ceremony
- Walk or spectate for the opening lap (0-400m)
- Option to walk or spectate for the second lap where all Relay For Life participants join in
- Free afternoon tea with undercover seating
- Live entertainment, food vans, kids activities
- Option to stay for the candelight remembrance ceremony at dusk.
Registration is free and can be done online or at the event.
Penguin Relay For Life, Survivors & Carers Lap and Afternoon Tea.
Saturday 22nd March 1pm-2.30pm
Penguin Athletics Track
Celebrating 25 years of Relay For Life in Tasmania in 2025, Cancer Council Tasmania’s major annual fundraiser and community event.