
Business Northwest

Business Northwest

Business Northwest provides Burnie, and the coastal region, with a voice to advance and promote the commercial, development and economic interests of Burnie.

Networking Opportunity – To develop contacts and network with like-minded business owners/operators or others with specialised knowledge and skills.

Invitations to Events – The BNW members are often asked to attend business forums and events.

High Profile Guest Speakers – BNW enjoys high profile guest speakers at each annual dinner and quality topical speakers at our fortnightly breakfast networking sessions and occasionally at our monthly general meetings.

Informative – At each meeting of BNW, reports are given as to the activity within the commercial areas of the region, what is new and what issues are of concern.

Input – As a representative or member, you can express your view and participate in the decision-making of the organisation, including the recommendation of action or lobbying to local, state or federal government levels.

Access to Information – BNW (in conjunction with TCCI) presents regular seminars and training sessions relating to business operations, workplace health & safety and has a hotline to assist members in HR matters relating to the Fair Work Act.

Visit the Business Northwest website
