Police estimate a damages bill in excess of $100,000 following a vandalism spree in Burnie on Wednesday night.
Police say businesses had windows damaged and council assets in Wilmot Street were also affected.
A 15 year-old girl has appeared in an out of hours youth justice court charged with 11 counts of destroying property, one count of stealing and one count of assaulting police.
Police are asking anyone discovering damage to their premises to contact Burnie Police on 131 444.
Burnie Mayor Teeny Brumby says the most significant damage was to council assets was in the multi-storey carpark.
Council workers worked overnight to make the area safe and spent Thursday morning cleaning up and arranging urgent repairs.
Councillor Brumby says the latest incident is concerning as the council has been working with Tasmania Police and the community to deal with anti-social behaviour and vandalism involving young people in the CBD.
Business North-West and the council have distributed fact sheets with safety advice to businesses in the CBD – an initiative which came out of a recent community roundtable on the issue.